School Partners
Hannah Senesh Community Day School
Hannah Senesh is a an exceptional K-8 school located in Brooklyn where students learn about the rich and diverse history of Jewish life and how to build meaningful connections to the world. BAC has an amazing inclusion program with their school. Once weekly, students from their fourth and fifth grade classes come to BAC to work with our students, and several of BAC’s students visit their school for inclusion. This mutually beneficial program is great for our students as they work on socialization and academics with the students at Hannah Senesh in a typical classroom setting.
Brooklyn Friends School
Brooklyn Friends School cultivates an intellectually ambitious and diverse community that celebrates each individual’s gifts. They challenge their students to value and embrace difference as they develop critical thinking skills and apply their knowledge and intelligence both in and out of the classroom. As the closest neighboring school to BAC, their students have been wonderful volunteers and we share the mutual goal of understanding and accepting individual differences.
Saint Ann’s School
Saint Ann’s School is a private K-12 school located in the nearby Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. Saint Ann’s mission is to cultivate a joy for learning and create an environment where students question and explore the world. Younger students from Saint Ann’s participate in our BAC Friends after-school peer socialization program. Older students from Saint Ann’s have the opportunity to observe and participate in Applied Behavior Analysis and learn to work with our students in a supervised setting, which many have done over the years.
Saint Francis College
Saint Francis College, located just one block from the BAC, has programs in Special Education, Psychology, and Applied Behavior Analysis. We are pleased to assist them in training future professionals by offering field work hours, curriculum development, and guest lecturing.
Packer Collegiate Institute
The Packer Collegiate Institute is a college preparatory day school providing coeducational programs from Preschool through Grade 12. The oldest independent school in Brooklyn, Packer was founded in 1845 in the historic district of Brooklyn Heights. Part of their school’s mission is to develop empathy, responsibility, and global awareness for their students. Packer students and faculty work on a number of community service projects throughout the year to increase understanding about their neighborhood and the people who live there. Students regularly engage with members of the greater city community in service learning opportunities. BAC has been the beneficiary of their community service projects for many years, and the students and their families have been an integral part of our volunteer programs.
PS.8 Robert Fulton Elementary School

PS. 8 / MS.8 is a public K-8 school located in nearby Brooklyn Heights (Elementary School) and Metrotech (Middle School). Their curriculum is dedicated to creativity, academic excellence and intellectual curiosity, with the aim of developing life-long learners and engaged citizens. Many students from PS.8 and MS.8 volunteer in BAC’s peer-socialization after-school program.